Sri Lanka Convention Bureau

Sri Lanka ist ein Land, das Kompaktheit, Vielfalt und Authentizität bietet. Für Gruppen, die das Land besuchen, gibt es eine beeindruckende Vielfalt an Aktivitäten. Zum Beispiel Strände, Walbeobachtung, Kultur- und Kulturerbe-Touren, Inlandstransfers per Flugzeug, Kunsthandwerk, Wellness, Ballonfahrten, kulturelle Darbietungen, Tauchen, Besuche in nationalen Wildparks, Shopping, Wasserfälle,
Wanderungen und kulinarische Erlebnisse.

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Welcome to new SLCB website

Welcome to the new official website of the Sri Lanka Convention Bureau! We are continuously working to improve your experience. Please bear with us as we make updates and improvements. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Welcome to the new SLCB website

Welcome to the new official website of the Sri Lanka Convention Bureau! We are continuously working to improve your experience. Please bear with us as we make updates and improvements. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.